Nature Walk
Find an hour or so in your schedule when you can go to your nearest park, arboretum, or beach. If you can, leave your phone behind at home or in the car; this practice works best if there is no temptation to use any electronics.
Before you begin, take a moment to stand or sit in stillness. Draw your attention to the breeze, the sun on your skin, the sounds around you, and your body against the earth. In these one or two minutes, breathe deeply and simply place your attention on the sounds and smells around you.
For the first five minutes of your walk, be mindful of your pace and how your feet are coming into contact with the ground. Walk slowly enough that you can pay attention to the wonderful world of nature around you. Use this time to ground yourself in nature, letting all other thoughts and to-do items be set aside for the moment.
As you become comfortable walking, start to intentionally listen for what Howard Thurman calls the “sound of the genuine” coming from all around you. What is the sound of the genuine that emanates from deep inside the birds, from the movement of the trees, from the land creatures? In your witnessing of them, how are you becoming aware of the sound of the genuine coming up from within you? How is the sound of the genuine in them connecting with and similar to the sound of the genuine in you?
If it feels right, feel free to stop and pause at any time, simply observing and experiencing the natural world around you. Wander, zigzag, pause, or explore whatever draws your attention; above all else, take your time.
When you reach your ending point, take another moment similar to how you started. Pause in the stillness, listening to the world around you, and express your gratitude for the natural world, which you are a part of!