Thank a Teacher!

It’s a hard year to be a teacher. In the classroom, we’re supporting students who need an elevated amount of socioemotional support as they re-learn to navigate social interactions, the return of an intense workload as schools try to make up for the “lost learning” of last year, and the inner anxieties of spending day-in, day-out in buildings filled with majority unvaccinated students. All of that on top of the usual stressors of the teaching profession. It’s a lot.

This is a perfect time for our community to show some love to the teachers who are supporting our Tacoma kids so much.

Last year, a group of us came together to write personalized letters of gratitude to each of the 30+ teachers and staff members at Oakland High School, here in Tacoma. I heard such amazing thanks from their staff in the form of emails and a few of their own hand-written letters, that I’m inviting us into this community practice again!

This year, we’re sending these letters of gratitude to the teachers and staff at Foss High School, one of Tacoma’s comprehensive high schools and the school home of just over 600 students and roughly 55 staff (teachers, office staff, administrators, para educators, etc.). This is just one small way of honoring and thanking our teachers, who are working so hard in this difficult pandemic school year.

If you’re interested in joining me in this, check out the “How it Works” steps below and sign up using the “Sign Up to Write a Letter” button!


Teaching as an Act of Love


3 Takeaways from CONSPIRE 2021